Posts Tagged ‘ driverless ’

CVPR 2012, attending Sebastian Thrun’s talk

{being updated as the talk goes on}

Sebastian is wearing a version of google glasses and showing the Google driver-less car video. The project is interesting but the story behind is much more interesting, they shows video of one of researcher driving it, who is legally blind.

It is showing how the Change Detection and segmentation will become an important problem.

If you guys can find the video link do share, talk is good enough to re listen

Talking about California the motorbikes can pass through very near to the car or inbetween the two cars to overtake them, so it becomes difficult to track them. Especially when they become so near to the car that they appear to be one. Mentions that same kind of problem could be seen in the Kinect and if someone working on the Tracking can solve more efficiently this problem it could be life saving. 

Saying the driverless car is lot safer than the human in case of collision but mentions where there are situations where computer cannot fully understand the situation and reacts improperly.

Showing one more application, used by the motor patrolling personals. So that they don’t have to give much attention to car and can do their job.

Excellent talk, although we were discussing a case of such cars in cities like Lahore, Delhi or even New York. In some crowded cities such situations arise quite commonly where the such “safe” cars might end up in deadlock.